January 25, 2025
The Mock Elections was simultaneously held last Saturday, January 25, 2025 across various selected locations nationwide. PPCRV represented by Dr. Arwin Serrano and Mr. Leonardo Sacamos Jr participated in the Mock Elections in Jolo, Sulu.
Our journey started from Manila where we took a flight onboard a C-130 AFP military plane together with COMELEC Chairman George Erwin Garcia with his staff. In tow are personnel from the media, stakeholders, and some military personnel who joined us in the flight to Jolo, Sulu.

All aboard the C-130 plane are media personnel, COMELEC personnel, PPCRV, military personnel of a ranks, a bunch of cargo of various types sizes, AND 2 coffins, all mixed together in one single cabin. We took off at around 0530 hrs.

After a 2 hr 10min flight, we arrived in Jolo, Sulu. This military flight was quite impeccable compared to a commercial flight.

Then we proceeded to the voting precinct.

The voting activity in this precinct went without any issues. There was a mix of people of different age groups. I have not seen any PWDs or people in wheelchairs participate though in this voting center.
Having lived in Mindanao in the early part of my life, seeing a lot more military and police personnel in battle gear again reminded me of the normal life in Mindanao is.
We then took a detour to the Sulu Provincial Capitol where Gov. Tan prepared some breakfast for us.

Welcomed by our muslim brothers and sisters.

We then proceeded to our 2nd destination, Datu Uddin Bahjin, Central School in Brgy. Taglibi

Voting went normal.

Happy faces from EBs confident in knowing what to do

Something noteworthy, you will observe that the EDCVL (Election Day Compterized Voters List) already has a clear and colored photo of the voter. Very helpful in identifying and matching with the voter infront of them. This reduces doubts if the person presenting himself is really the voter.
Also, COMELEC confirmed later that the colored photo will also be there in the PCVL (Posted Computerized Voters List) when the voters tried to find if they are at the correct voting precinct.

On occular inspection, it is clear why the VCM rejected the ballot. There were a lot of repeated dots smudged on the ballot. Upon inspection, it appears to come from the roller of the VCM. But we believe the root of the problem was that the pen used was not drying fast enough that the ink was not yet completely dry from the time they voted to the time they inserted the ballot into the VCM. The expect drying time was about 10 seconds only. But it takes more than 10 seconds to get from the voting chair to the VCM.
We have suggested to COMELEC to get a sample of that pen there and compare it to a pen from a voting center (say, in Manila) that did not have this repeated-dot-smudge issue. This is to compared if the ink on these 2 pens are consistent quality or not.
We then proceeded to our 3rd and last precinct: Mudjunun Elementary School, in Brgy

We proceeded with our usual routine, and there we find our local PPCRV Volunteers!
Voting in this precinct was uneventful. They have actually completed the voting process before we arrived and the voters were simply waiting for us to greet us. Most of the voters are women. Clearly there was a larger presence of military personnel. Again, they insist it was safe but they have to show force to reduce our anxiety.
All 3 sites we have seen people very calm and confident when they were voting. No hesitation in their handling of the ballot. Although, we did observe some smudging on the Ballot Secrecy Folder.
We then proceeded for lunch hosted by the Gov as he tells a story about Sulu and how they maintained peace. Looking at this place, it really is such a wonderful place to be.
We then proceeded for lunch hosted by the Gov as he tells a story about Sulu and how they maintained peace. Looking at this place, it really is such a wonderful place to be

After the multiple visits, we then head back for our journey back to manila.
Usual, mixed man-cargo cabin. Cargo mixed with COMELEC personnel, Media, military airmen, is a common sight by now. PLUS a motorcycle include in the cargo riding with us back to manila.

Finally we arrived in Manila with the very plane that provided us the safe travel back and forth.

Once again, thank you to Chairman Garcia and the BGen Menor of the PAF for this journey. Hats of the the Philippine Airforce their flight schedule timing are truly impeccable. If I don’t want to be late, I’d fly PAF than the commercial airline.

Simple joys you can experience as a PPCRV volunteer! But more importantly, this is a demonstration that PPCRV volunteers go far and wide to advocate CHAMP (Clean, Honest, Accurate, Meaning, and Peaceful) Elections!
Till the next adventure!
Leonardo “Don” Sacamos Jr, PPCRV Volunteer